Marketing is Key in Vegetable Farming

Many new entrant farmers will grow a variety of crops, and three quarters of the time come out with one common question! “Where do I sell my produce?

Before one embarks on the journey of being an Agropreneur, it is key to visit a market and get a feel of how it operates. Open Market Sales are a good starting point, than rushing to be amongst the bandwagon that wants to supply to Chain Stores. This has the benefit of lower marketing costs and is essentially useful as a contribution to farm cash flow and sales. With a major emphasis on cash sales!

It is also good to plan which crops to grow after considering the conditions on your farm, and advice taken from marketers or agents.

It is essential to start with one or two crops and master the art of them before adding in a mix of others. Marketing is a long-term process. The Quick Cash mentality is not an option for one who is serious about farming.

The long-term approach to marketing must have a detailed plan, which will include marketing channels. Over time, you will build a firm strategy, which will then give you leeway to look into supplying supermarkets and further export market of fresh vegetables.

Take your time to master the art and build your own strategy!

by Elizabeth Maanda Sianga

Published by Gilbert Musenga

Gilbert holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Economics from The University of Zambia and works as a content writer at Zambia Agribusiness Society. He is an ardent and passionate Agricultural Policy Analyst with a background in Farming and Agricultural Entrepreneurship. Focused on issues regarding Food Security & Nutrition, Entrepreneurship & Business, Finance & Digital transformation within the agribusiness sector.

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